Do you desire a deeper understanding of your limiting beliefs and a pathway to begin assisting you in expanding self awareness while raising your vibration? Have you begun the work and are looking to dive even deeper? Then you've found yourself here for a reason.

We focus on bridging the gap between science and spirituality to make advanced metaphysics, vibration, psycho-spiritual awareness and self-healing accessible for all levels starting on their higher learning journey.

We cover topics on Advanced Chakra Alignment, Understanding Vibration, Self-Love Alchemy, Shadow Work, Deconditioning Limiting Beliefs, Hypnotherapy and Alternative Self-Healing Modalities.

Hi, I’m Jaide.

I created Rosemary's Lighthouse as a multi-fauceted higher learning platform to cover many pathways to healing. Once upon a time, I was a child trauma survivor deeply conditioned to believe I couldn't be anything other than broken and disempowered. Through years of study, dedication to embodiment and deconditioning through my own self-healing journey, I am now living a beautiful life, empowered and in service to raising the consciousness of the planet. I am a best-selling author, speaker and intuitive guide that is certified to assist others through hypnotherapy, NLP (neuro-linguistic reprogramming), Chakra Therapy, Wellness Coaching while weaving in advanced metaphysics. I've taught in schools, facilitated groups of over 150 people and helped hundreds of clients on their pathway to inner peace, wholeness & Empowerment. I believe we are all just walking each other home and through this school & my business, I get an opportunity to reach a wider network and align to share teachings from like-minded experts. Where ever you are on your journey, there is an open door here for you.

"I've gained life long tools, to continue to help me on my journey of expansion & awakening to my most authentic self."

- Erica D

This is my WHY

Like many, my passion for this work is from history and experience. Before I received my education, I was a survivor of abuse and struggled immensely for most of my childhood with crippling anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD and poor self-esteem. I left home as a young teen. I could not maintain healthy relationships or boundaries. 

After feeling like the traditional models of healing weren't well suited for my personal journey, I began searching elsewhere as a young teen for alternative methods. 

It took me carving my own path to healing and trauma recovery to step into the place I am now. 

I educated myself on my body and mind. I learned to interrupt patterns and cycles of reactivity and sabotage. I failed countless times at new ways of discerning my fear from my intuition and strengthened my bond with my spirit through time, trial and error to find my success. 

I learned to dance with the Shadows I was born into at such a young age and to move with the flow that brought me to this point. The point of being an experienced guide for others who have felt like I have.

It's time to realign to shine.

Repattern your mind. Embody your spirit.

You can free yourself from limiting beliefs. Today.

The change you seek isn't as far away as you think.


I believe that in order to truly heal and raise our vibration we MUST look at ALL aspects of the self; Body (Physical), Mind (Emotional/Mental) & Spirit (Soul/Purpose). Our system is intricate and truly Divine by Design, when we ignore one, we miss imperative information about how we can shift, heal, change & grow.

Science & Spiritual

For long, science and spirituality have been on opposing sides. I believe that when we bridge the gaps between them, acknowledging how they are two sides of the same coin, we amplify the magic and unify the field within and all around for optimal growth.


You'll be fundamentally changed by this work. This won't maintain the status quo. Here, we cover a multi-disciplinary view with multi-variety tools to shift your mindset and establish a solid foundation for your expansion and vibration recalibration. We provide you the education and the tools to use for your own self-healing.


1-hour video


NLP Meditation

Lifetime Access


Self-study 3-hour video


2 NLP Meditations

Lifetime access


Live experiential

Study at your own pace education

40 + page workbook

Lifetime access

Did you know you can also work with me privately?

1:1 sessions available in...

  • NLP (Release Repatterning)
  • Transformational Hypnotherapy
  • Inner Child Resolution Hypnosis
  • Quantum Leap Meditation
  • Private Guided Meditation
  • Chakra Therapy
  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching (Full weaving of all of the above with intensive programs)